Kodi And NextPVR Setup On The Raspberry Pi

As with everything in Pi land, following the “just install Kodi” guides left a few things that didn’t work. Extra commands and steps so far are:

  • Install NextPVR on the command line with sudo apt-get install kodi-pvr-nextpvr
  • Install some other library that services like the iPlayer need with sudo apt-get install kodi-inputstream-adaptive
  • Restart Kodi
  • Installed the Amazon Video plugin following instructions here: https://www.videoconverterfactory.com/kodi/amazon-prime-video-on-kodi.htmla
  • Editing /boot/config.txt and adding these two lines to keep HDMI on (where the second line is to force audio):
  • More instructions here that fixed permissions, especially with sound and crashing on exit: https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=109088&start=475#p936238

Despite following about fifteen different methods I still haven’t gotten Kodi to autostart on reboot.

Setting Up The Hauppauge DualTV Tuner On A Raspberry Pi

I’ve been thinking about replacing my old PVR with a Raspberry Pi based one. Setup so far has been a bit bumpy, so just in case this helps future me: this page has a lot of info, including the drivers.

The problem I had was that the tuner seemed to work on Windows but was picking up no channels on the Pi. Eventually some searching led me to the command “dmesg” on the terminal, and all kinds of red rows of “firmware not found”. Downloading and copying the missing files into /lib/firmware and rebooting did the trick.

The other thing was to find out what my nearest receiver might be. I guessed at Crystal Palace, because I’ve seen the aerial up there… But this website gives a more authoratitive answer if you enter your postcode: https://www.freeview.co.uk/help/what-transmitter-receive-signal

Next is to try to install Kodi (I think).