Month: June 2007

Accessing Experts Exchange without paying

Accessing Experts Exchange without paying

It seems that Experts Exchange is now making people pay for accessing content generated by their users. I’m sure it was inevitable but it’s very underhand to build up a free knowledge base and then make people pay for what will often be content they’ve contributed to. It’s even more underhand that they have to …

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The LSE is dissing our chavs

The LSE is dissing our chavs

Most of the persistent low achievers in England’s schools are poor and white, and far more are boys than girls, a Joseph Rowntree Foundation study says. But surely persistance is an achievement in itself? BBC NEWS | Education | Low attainers ‘poor white boys’

‘Object reference not set to instance of an object’

‘Object reference not set to instance of an object’

The “Object reference not set to instance of an object” error in ASP.Net has to be one of the most annoying of all error messages giving, as it does, almost no clues as to what the error can be about. And yes, I know it’s easy to get more information, but it doesn’t really provide …

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The Shepherd Epstein Hunter Architects Telegraph Fantasy Football results, 2006-2007

The Shepherd Epstein Hunter Architects Telegraph Fantasy Football results, 2006-2007

The Shepherd Epstein Hunter (SEH) Architects Fantasy Football league for 2006 to 2007 finished as below. We didn’t quite make it to 1st place in the end, finishing second (which I blame almost entirely on Ashley Cole). Still, given the distance we were behind in 4th place at Christmas I can’t complain that much, and …

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Petition to: Listen to cyclists and not approve the revised highway code.

Petition to: Listen to cyclists and not approve the revised highway code.

The new proposed Highway Code will apparently make it compulsory for cyclists to use cycle-specific facilities rather than roads wherever they’re available. Knowing the state of some of the cycle lanes I’m faced with I don’t see this as sensible and hence have signed the petition to have the new highway code rejected by MPs. …

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FCKEditor and 500 server image browser error in

FCKEditor and 500 server image browser error in

The apparently XML derived “500 server error” problem with FCKEditor’s image upload tool and seems very common, and there seem to be half a million different confusing solutions on the web. In my case, it turned out the problem was paths and was fixed by adding a new key entry in web.config: So nothing …

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Camping in Padstow

Camping in Padstow

I was camping in Cornwall with the Sainsbury Clan over Whitsun Bank Holiday weekend. It really wasn’t the best time for it, as this picture of our tent as it looked when we came back to it on a very windy Sunday afternoon shows: We decided to call it quits at that point and pack …

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