Category: Programming

PHP 5 class constants and subclasses

PHP 5 class constants and subclasses

Another one of those ‘I wish PHP 5 did this…’ moments has occurred to me with class constants. The addition of constants is good but the problem is when it comes to subclassing. The code on the PHP 5 site: class Foo { const constant = “constant”; } echo “Foo::constant = ” . Foo::constant . …

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MySQL Truncate slow performance problems

MySQL Truncate slow performance problems

I was having problems with a MySQL TRUNCATE taking a long time on a very large table (with foreign keys). I had thought that TRUNCATE ran more quickly than DELETE but, according to the MySQL manual, that isn’t the case with InnoDB tables. In this case there is no difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE and …

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Implementing Iterator in PHP 5

Implementing Iterator in PHP 5

There’s a good article on sharepoint about implementing Iterator in PHP 5: I’ve used it a couple of times now and it’s a great way to treat objects as collections. More info about the Standard PHP Library can be found here: Standard PHP Library with a link to download a windows chm help file …

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Hiring an ASP.Net developer

Hiring an ASP.Net developer

My company is looking for an ASP.Net developer, so here seems as good a place as any to put an ad. Job description below: London based Internet development company seeks permanent ASP.NET developer with an absolute minimum of 1.5 years production experience. Desktop application programming and web services experience are a must as is extensive …

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PHP 5 garbage collection

PHP 5 garbage collection

The object-oriented features of PHP 5 are a really positive step forward for the language. One of the biggest improvements, to my mind, is that you no longer have to choose to pass things around by reference with a liberal smattering of ‘&’ symbols: references are now the default way of passing objects. One problem …

+ Read More web page competition web page competition

The 5k web page competition looks like it might finally be getting going again. News about it is here: Siggraph’s 5k competition. However, I’m somewhat confused as the closing date in the right hand side column is set at July 14th 2004, yet the application form has July 14th 2005. Does anyone have any ideas …

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