Month: January 2008



“one or more persons obscuring or augmenting any part of their body or bodies with record sleeve(s) causing an illusion” Sleeveface

Breaking news: the back side of Mercury is just as boring as the front

Breaking news: the back side of Mercury is just as boring as the front

I’m sure it’s “revolutionary” (or not, because otherwise they wouldn’t have had to fly past it…) that we now know what the back side of Mercury looks like, but it doesn’t seem to be too attractive or different from any other photo of a grayscale pancake that I’ve seen. I am, however, impressed by the …

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Bebo platform opens to developers

Bebo platform opens to developers

Bebo today opened their platform to the general development community. It’s based on Facebook’s own FBML and API documentation which is supposed to make porting apps very easy… I’m expecting a land grab of app clones over the next few days, but it’s fun times at least! I think it’s time to hang around on …

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