fbExchange.Net – a new site for Facebook development answers

fbExchange.Net – a new site for Facebook development answers

With Daniel Schaffer (author of the .Net Facebook API Client) I’ve put together a Stack Overflow-type website for Facebook developer help called fbExchange.Net. It’s intended to build as a knowledge base and to be focussed more on tech than the official Facebook developer forum’s discussion format. (So hopefully the forum will be the place for “Is the Platform down?” or “What do you think of the new design?” type questions, and fbExchange.Net can be the site for “How do I…?” questions.)

For anyone who’s not familiar with the Stack Exchange model, you gain reputation by asking (good) questions, and answering them such that other people vote for your answers. For freelance developers and consultants having a high reputation can even help to bring work in. While the site’s in an early stage (“bootstrap mode”) it’s easier to gain points too, so there’s some benefit in getting in there now (hint, hint).

It’s intended to be dev-centred, but there’s no reason why it can’t cover most of the practicalities of “how do I set up a Facebook Page” etc, so feel free to create questions you know the answer to and even answer them yourself. The great thing about the system is that since it’s community moderated, and questions are tagged rather than put into categories, then the definition of “what can I ask?” is fairly broad.

2 Replies to “fbExchange.Net – a new site for Facebook development answers”

  1. Hi, Karl – What’s happened fbExchange.Net? The reference refers me on to something that seems entirely different. Would love to find it, if it exists, or if not, something like it – is anyone else doing the same thing? Not a huge fan of FB dev forum but want something like it… just better. ta, Heather

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